Association of Cambridge Mediators
Sheraton House
Castle Park
Email us:
Telephone: 01223 370063
We've done what we can to make this site as accessible and compliant as we can, but if you have ideas for improvement, we would be happy to hear from you.
This website has been thoroughly tested on Internet Explorer 6 and 7 and Firefox 2 and on screens with resolution 1024 x 768px and 1280 x 1024. It has been browsed by Opera, Safari and Lynx, although not rigorously.
If you find any problems or peculiarities, please send an e-mail to stating the issue, your browser and, if it is a visual problem, your screen size and resolution.
Or just go through them one by one...
This site has been designed to be as accessible as possible and to meet the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. It contains the following accessibility features:
Each page of the site has been tested on the Wave Accessibility Tool and no accessibility errors were found.
If you find any part of this site inaccessible, please send an e-mail to stating the problem, your browser and your screen size and resolution and we will gladly see what we can do.
This site complies with W3C code guidelines.
It uses valid CSS.
Most pages use valid HTML 4.01. Where they are not strictly valid, it is normally because we left a ' or " in some recently edited text and are waiting for the content to be stable before changing them. Anyway, we claim:
If you have a valid concern, you will also have worked out the e-mail to write to.
This web-site tries to install a cookie. Your browser can block this or remove it at any time. The cookie gives us some statistical, but not personal, information about where our visitors came from and to get an idea of the number of people looking at the site. But we have no idea who you are.
There are various e-mail links from this site which stimulate your e-mail programme to create an e-mail. It is exactly the same as if you had typed the e-mail yourself, but easier. We know nothing more than what you told us.
Whatever you told us and however you did so, the information will be treated professionally and not passed on to third parties without your consent.
We are committed to ensuring we comply with relevant legislation and are registered under the Data Protection Act 1998.
All visitors can browse our website without disclosing any personal information.
If you sign up to our e-newsletter you will be asked to provide your details which will be stored on our mailing database. This will be used from time to time to notify you about CPD courses, additional services we may introduce and to keep you up to date with relevant news.
We will not share your information with other companies or organisations for any reason unless required by the Police or any other regulatory or other Government Authority so to do.
The Association of Cambridge Mediators is a partnership business based in England and subject to the law of England and Wales.
The E-Commerce Regulations 2002 require all advertising websites, which includes this site, to provide the name and e-mail address of the business and an address where documents can be served. These are all given in various pages but are repeated here for convenience.
Business Name: Association of Cambridge Mediators
Partners: Phil Barlow, John Byrne, Gillian Caroe and Paul Wheatley
Trading Address: Sheraton House, Castle Park, Cambridge, CB3 0AX
Contact e-mail:
It is not possible to close a sale on this site and therefore we believe that the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 do not apply.
We take our obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 seriously and believe that this website complies with them.
"recognised for his incisive mind and as an excellent communicator"
"Managed the process with quiet authority focusing on the key issues effectively moving the parties to settlement."
"I thought we would not reach any resolution but through the persistence and tenacity of the mediator we finally reached a settlement"
Client in Person